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Westerra Credit Union Annual Notices for 2024

Please read this article to learn more about our Annual Notices and important information for Westerra Credit Union 2024.

Please see below for important information and annual notices for Westerra Credit Union. If you have any questions regarding this information, you can contact us at (303) 321-4209 or, or visit one of our branch locations. Thank you for being a loyal member!

Enhanced Fraud Protection

Westerra has around-the-clock fraud protection and we are continuing to tighten our efforts in 2024. This includes in our emails to you! When possible, we will be directing members to our website rather than adding a hyperlink and when we do hyperlink, we will include information about where the link is going. You can also find important privacy and fraud protection information in the email footers.

Double Check Your Info

Fraudsters are actively targeting consumers by posing as fraud prevention personnel or reputable merchants. IF AT ANY TIME you are asked to provide personal or account information, call us immediately at (303) 321-4209, email us at, or send us a secure message through our Digital Banking platform. It’s also good practice to only input private information through secured channels, such as our Digital Banking platform, and make sure your personal information is updated. You can verify your information by logging into your Digital Banking App and clicking on My Profile > Make Edits.

Year-End Tax Info

By January 31, 2024, members should have received their Westerra Credit Union year-end tax information in the mail. You can also find your year-end tax information on your December 31, 2023 statement. To view your mortgage year-end tax and interest information online, log-in to Digital Banking and select “My Accounts” and scroll down to where your mortgage loan is listed. From there, select the “Details” tab and then “More Details.” The Mortgage Portal will open in a new browser tab. In that Portal, select “Loan Information,” which will show your Taxes and Interest. Note: Online Tax and Interest information can be used for completing tax documents. Printed forms are not necessary.

Need additional help? Visit the Digital Banking topic in the Frequently Asked Questions section of our Resources page or call us at (303) 321-4209.


The IRA “Fair Market Value” on your IRA statement is the end-of-year balance as of December 31, 2023. This number will be reported to the IRS and distributions from your Traditional IRA are subject to federal income tax withholding. You may change your election at any time prior to your receipt of a payment. To make a change, contact Westerra at (303) 321-4209.

Errors Disclosure

If you have a concern about a billing error or an inaccuracy on your Westerra statement, please contact us by call (303) 321-4209, or send us a secure message through your digital banking profile. We will need your name as it appears on the account, account number, and a description of the dispute/inaccuracy (including the dollar amount and date of the suspected error).

Annual Privacy Policy Notice

Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives consumers the right to limit some but not all sharing and requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. The types of personal information we collect and share depend on the product or service you have with us. This information can include social security number and income, credit history and credit scores, and account balances and payment history.

For Westerra’s full Privacy Policy notice, visit Here, you can also find a list of reasons of why and when we can share your personal information and key definitions. To limit sharing or for questions, call (303) 321-4209 to speak with a WCU rep.

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