Services // Wire transfers
Wire transfers with Westerra
Wires are a great way to send money securely and easily. Here’s everything you need to know about sending a wire with Westerra Credit Union.

Outgoing wire transfers
You can request a wire transfer online or in any branch. There’s a $20 fee for outgoing domestic wire transfers and a $50 fee for outgoing international wire transfers. Funds intended to be wired out need to be made available or posted in the account in order for the wire transfer to be processed.
For an outgoing international wire transfer, you will need to provide a correspondent bank that is compatible with the receiving financial institution. Please contact the receiving financial institution for guidance and information about the specific institutions they work with, as Westerra does not have this information.
Domestic and international wire transfers are typically sent the same business day if they are submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. MST. Otherwise, your wire will be sent the following business day.
Once the wire transfer has been received by our team, you will receive a verification call.

Incoming wire transfers
Provide the following instructions to the originating institution:
Receiving Institution:
Westerra Credit Union 3700 E. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80209 ABA (Routing) 302075319To Credit To:
Member's Name Member's Street Address (P.O. Box is not acceptable) Member's 13-Digit Account Number Include any specific instructionsWire transfers
Domestic and international wire transfers are typically sent the same business day if they are submitted prior to 2:00 p.m. MT. Otherwise, your wire will be sent the following business day.
Request an outgoing domestic wire transfer here or visit one of our branch locations. There is a $20 fee for domestic wires.
Request an outgoing international wire transfer here or visit one of our branch locations. There is a $50 fee for international wires. Please note that you will need to provide a correspondent bank that is compatible with the receiving financial institution. Please contact the receiving financial institution for guidance and information about the specific institutions they work with, as Westerra Credit Union does not have this information.
The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) Code is a unique identification code that may be required by some banks, broker-dealers and investment managers for the completion of international wire transfers.
Grandparent Scam: When you receive an unexpected phone call where the con artist poses as a relative in distress or someone claims to represent their relative and requests that your funds be transferred to them immediately.
Lottery/Sweepstakes Scam: When the victim receives a call or a letter stating that they have won a prize and in order to claim the prize, they must first pay taxes. You have not really won the sweepstakes if you are asked to pay to collect your winnings. Foreign lotteries are illegal — you have not won.
Craigslist Scam: When the victim sells an item online and is paid with a check for a larger amount, the scammer will request that the remaining funds be wired back to them.
Sweetheart Scam: When the scammer sends the victim a large check and requests some of the funds be wired back to them. These scammers usually gain your trust or could make you believe that you are in a relationship with them.
Email Wire Fraud: When a criminal hacks into someone else’s email account, impersonates them, then proceeds to reach out to their contacts and requests funds be wired to the hacker's accounts.
Rental Scam: When scammers post property rental ads to lure unsuspecting renters and request a deposit and upfront rent payments via wire transfer.
Title Company Scam: When the victim receives communication from someone claiming to be from a title or escrow company with instructions on where to wire funds.