Teachers are the real MVPs
Hey teachers, thanks for all you do.
There's no way we could capture how great you are in a couple of sentences, so we became a proud sponsor of Rockies' Teacher Appreciation Week. At the ballpark, that means special tickets for educators, volunteers, administrators, and support staff. In our branches, it means special account offers only available for teachers.
By teachers. For teachers.
Westerra Credit Union was founded 90 years ago by eight teachers, so they could help out other teachers. Today, we're a member-owned, not-for-profit financial community committed to helping all of our members prosper.
And teachers: We've still got your back.
Apply for a Westerra school grant.
Every school year, we fund $50,000 to Colorado educators through our School Grant Program. Any Westerra member who is an educator of grades K-12 can apply for a $50,000 grant to help their schools—and students—shine.
Prepping students for prosperity.
Every student could use a little extra money to pave their way. (You know to get the fancy ramen.) We work with trusted community partners to offer scholarships to today's students to set them up for a lifetime of prosperity.
Learn with us.
Learning is our thing. That's why we help our members prosper with our financial literacy programs. Check out our online resources and even seminars and financial literacy events to make the most of your money. We also teach financial literacy in classrooms, and we'd love to come speak with your class. Drop us a note at engagement@westerracu.com to schedule a presentation for your students.