What type of transaction are you disputing?
This is a transaction that was completed with your account and routing number. To dispute this transaction, please call us at 303-321-4209 for assistance or visit one of our branch locations

Notice an unfamiliar transaction or lost your card? Submit this dispute if you see a transaction on your account that was completed with your debit or credit card that you did not authorize.

Transactions completed with your debit or credit card for cancellation of merchandise/service or return of merchandise, duplicate card transaction, incorrect amount, non-receipt of merchandise/service, paid by other means, quality of merchandise/service or counterfeit merchandise.

Discrepancies with your ATM transactions, such as incorrect amounts dispensed or deposited.

Unauthorized transactions that occurred in digital banking/bill pay. This could include an unauthorized bill pay, account to account transfers, or peer to peer disputes.

Frequently Asked Dispute Questions
Fraudulent transactions
Cancellation of merchandise or service
Return of merchandise, and you did not receive a refund
Poor quality of merchandise, or its counterfeit
Incorrect amount billed
Duplicate charge, or you paid by other means
Our team will begin researching the card dispute within 10 business days. Provisional credit may be issued, if applicable. A final determination will be reached within 90 calendar days. Card dispute updates will be mailed to the address on file.
We’re always open to giving things a second look! In certain circumstances we are able to submit an appeal for a dispute, however; we will need additional evidence and information in order to do so.
Review your transaction history via Digital Banking regularly
Set alerts, temporarily freeze, and set transaction limits using CardNav
Use secure payment methods like Digital Wallet, EMV chip, or tap-to-pay
Don’t share your card information with anyone
Report lost or stolen cards immediately
Keep your card in a safe place
Be wary of scams: for more information regarding common scams visit FBI-Common Fraud and Scams or FTC